Wednesday, April 05, 2006

A reading sprint

Cloud Atlas
by David Mitchell

Because it was due back at the library and I had renewed it once (the limit), I read Cloud Atlas in three or four days.

And going from the 1850s to the 1930s to the 1970s to a Korean superstate of the near future to post-apocalyptic Hawaii in half a week has left my brain bouncing around a bit.

Cloud Atlas
is eclectic and complex and, at times, slow. But it all comes together, and it's fascinating to see it all unfold over 500 pages.

I brought it back one day late, having finished it about 3 that morning. But the woman at the check-in desk told me I didn't owe any fines and that sometimes there's a one-day grace period. So, let's here it for the Enoch Pratt Free Library Baltimore.

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