Thursday, March 22, 2007

Each week, they choose a theme

This American Life usually inspires me to think about my own response to their topic, so I thought I'd make it a writing project.

Each week, I'll post their theme for the next week's show, and then anyone who wants to write on that theme can e-mail me a link (or their essay, if it's not on a blog) at erin (dot) mediamixed (at) gmail (dot) com. E-mail me by, say, Monday, because that's when I get the TAL podcast, but that's not a real deadline.

Since this is the first week, here's two topics (the previous week's and the coming week's):

"What I Learned from TV"
"The Allure of the Mean Friend"


maryann said...

i JUST listened to the TV one last night. this is a good idear. i'll have to think on it...

Airhen said...

I thought I was going to want to write about the TV episode, but I've been thinking way more about the mean friends one.